The City of Bowling Green contracted with Aerex to provide two (2) 1.5 MGD independently operating Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems on one skid due to space considerations.
The two (2) piece RO skid was shipped to the Bowling Green water treatment facility fully assembled including the epoxy coated carbon steel frames, pressure vessels (less membranes), feed, interstage, concentrate and permeate piping, instrumentation and instrument panels, sample panels, valves and control panels.
Upon arrival at the facility, the two (2) piece skid was off-loaded, stacked and set into place ready for installation of the final piping and electrical connections. Aerex’s scope included independent control panels with full PLC and HMI programming.
Aerex’s design utilizes the Protec SP 7 element pressure vessels manifolded with 2-1/2†feed/ concentrate ports. The skids are designed as a 32-16 array in a 12 high x 4 wide configuration. All the skid mounted piping was manufactured from 316L stainless steel.
Engineering design, controls, programming, project management and field service was supplied from Aerex’s headquarters located in Fort Pierce, Florida.