
Aerex® manufactures a complete line of ASME code rated cartridge filter vessels for the municipal membrane treatment industry. Our revolutionary design removes the seat cup and eliminates the potential raw water bypass due to a bottom seat cup loosening or shearing and creates a safer, more resilient assembly.

By machining the vessel separator plate (tube sheet), Aerex’s® design will allow the use of both single open end (SOE) cartridges with 222 O-rings or double open end (DOE) elements with a knife edge seal. This revolutionary design will permit the use of cartridge tube guides for either SOE or DOE cartridges.

Standard features of all vessels include adequately sized drains (minimum 2” diameter), vents and pressure gauge connections, stainless steel supports, bead blast and passivation (inside and out), and mechanical and hydraulic cover lift assemblies using roller bearings on larger sizes for ease of cover opening and closing. Special cover lift (davit) designs are available for assistance in opening and closing the covers of larger and high pressure vessels.

Fabricated in both vertical and horizontal configurations, these vessels range from 16” to 60” in diameter and house 30”, 40” and 50” long standard 2 ½” diameter cartridge filters. Holding “S,” “U” and “R” code stamps, Aerex uses our two decades of experience in a wide variety of automatic and manual welding processes; CNC and conventional machining, plasma cutting, bending and rolling; and finishing treatments that include pickling, passivation, bead blasting and electropolishing to manufacture the finest cartridge filter vessels available.